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Recruiting, Supporting and Managing Volunteers

We provide support and advice on recruiting, managing and supporting volunteers through a range of activities including sector forums and training, and sharing good practice with Volunteer managers (and/or those responsible for managing volunteers).


Recruiting Volunteers

We can help you to recruit volunteers. We do this by promoting local volunteering opportunities through our networks, website and social media.


To make the process of onboarding volunteers we offer two options, for engagement, these are:


OPTION 1 – Applicant Vetting and Referral* – We will promote your opportunity through our website, networks and social media.  We will register expressions of interest and then take the applicant through a vetting process which includes, collecting and validating their personal data, collecting health information, verifying their identity (through ID checks and collecting two positive references.  Once the applicant has been through this vetting process they will be asked to complete some induction training at which point we refer them to you for orientation and onboarding with your organisation.


OPTION 2 – Direct Referrals – We will promote your opportunity through our website, networks and social media.  We will register expressions of interest and refer these directly on to a nominated point of contact within your organisation.  All we then ask to ensure we can maintain our record of destinations and success, that you feedback the status of the applicant and whether they were successful in being appointed within 3 months of referral.


* When registering an opportunity with us the default engagement with be Option 1, if you wish to opt out of this please indicate on your registration form.


To register an opportunity with us there are two steps to complete. 


STEP 1 – Organisation Registration

If you are not already registered to access our services please complete the short online registration or alternatively print the PDF form linked below, complete it fully, scan and return to or post it to Volunteer Force, South Derbyshire CVS, Top Floor of Unit G, Sharpe's Industrial Estate, Alexandra Rd, Swadlincote, DE11 9AZ

STEP 2 – Opportunity Registration

Once you have submitted the forms to register your organisation please complete the short online opportunity registration or alternatively print the PDF form linked below, complete it fully, scan and return to or post it to Volunteer Force, South Derbyshire CVS, Top Floor of Unit G, Sharpe's Industrial Estate, Alexandra Rd, Swadlincote, DE11 9AZ


Please note we require one registration form completing and submitting for each role, event or project you are wishing to advertise.

STEP 3 SIGN UP! to join our South Derbyshire Voluntary Sector Forum

Membership is open to all voluntary organisations and groups in the South Derbyshire area only.


Our Voluntary Sector Forums take place regularly throughout the year (typically March, June, September and December) and aim to strengthen and develop the voluntary and community sector in South Derbyshire by bringing staff and volunteers together to network, share and celebrate good practice, discuss challenges and problems to obtain support to seek idea to resolve or address them, work collectively on issues of common and minority interest, discuss the impact of emerging crises and changes in the sector


Where possible we also aim to include a range of speakers on a variety of topics related to the Voluntary Sector in our forum sessions whether to provide insight into one particular topic or whether to give a more generalised insight into the evolving landscape of volunteering.


The forum also provides an opportunity for organisations and individuals to promote their own projects, share successes and news.


To register your interest in attending our Voluntary Sector Forums please complete the registration form below:

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